After 40 Years, TechByter Worldwide Now Offers Memories
What began as Technology Corner on WTVN Radio in the mid-1980s became a podcast in 2006. Morse Code was still heavily used in the worldwide shipping industry when the program first went on the air.
Back then, I had a Zenith Z-150 computer with two floppy disk drives and a 12-inch monochrome monitor.
At the office, a DEC VT100 terminal was connected to one of several DEC PDP-11/70 minicomputers that shared space in the computer room with a Honeywell 200 that had no disk drive.
Today we can carry tens of thousands of CDs, books, and even full-length movies in a pocket-size computer that also lets us take pictures, surf the web, and send email or text messages. Some people even use these devices to make phone calls.
After 40 years, the end of 2024 seemed a good time to put a cork in it. The old programs remain online for reference, but there will be no new blog entries or podcasts.
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